Have you ever considered all the energy your home consumes daily? Ever received a surprise bill in the mailbox for high energy consumption? Use Powerpal to easily monitor and control your home's energy use!
Powerpal is a little device that talks to your electricity meter – the thing in your cupboard or outside on the wall which keeps track of how much energy you use at home. There is your live energy usage. That is you can see in real time how much energy are you using at the moment and also throughout the day And guess what? Powerpal is an absolute breeze to use! It will be configured in minutes, and you can begin checking your power utilization right away without any complexity!
Are you paying very high energy bills each month? Would you like to start saving on your electricity? Are you ready for powerpal – The ultimate tool to save energy at your home with 100% perfect assistant!
Powerpal tells you where--and when --you are over-consuming energy, and to do so helps save money. For instance, it might tell you that your air conditioning is running a lot during the heat of the day while no one is home. With this gold nugget of information, you can adapt these changes and save money on your next energy bill which adds up over time!
So Powerpal is no ordinary, run-of-the-mill gadget. Because it relies on super smart technology to deliver you data that is true and accurate. So you can trust the details that Powerpal provides and make informed decisions on how to power your home.
Powerpal: Also provides information on how your energy use is changing and when. Then, in order to monitor how well you are actually using less power follow the next step. So you can see, over the months cursory glancing through this data on a Sunday night was helpful to gauge whether your efforts were showing any dividends in terms of energy saving such as…
Powerpal can also tell you what part of your home or life is costing too much with energy and help you do something about that. The transition could be as easy as flipping off lights when you leave a room or going for gadgets that save energy, including LED lightbulbs and vitality-efficient refrigerators. These little adjustments can save you some money off your bills and also take care of our planet. Every little bit counts!