Stability energy is a unique type of shell that keeps us stable and secure, makes us feel calm safe. This value arises from stability and it is all we can control in our lives, things that are predictable and not to different every day. We all must have stability energy in order to do the best at anything we may be doing, and it is especially important for children who need a safe place to grow up with no fear so that they can discover our globe. Stability energy is fantastic in that it also allows us to find joy in the journey, and for the most part live our daily lives without too much of worry.
We can burn stability energy by making everything around us stable and comforting. That is — that we have a routine or schedule, that at least in theory, we stick to every day. This could mean always getting up at the same time, eating food every hour, and sitting down to study as well going to bed. This also means having friends and family who give a damn about us. These are the people who offer a semblance security and remind us that we have company. We are way more relaxed when we have stability, and as a consequence feel less worried or anxious keeping our vision towards the life goals.
The stability energy is paramount tool for maintaining happiness & success this allows to keep our belief in ouorself and self-esteem. The better we are at maintaining stability, the easier it is to deal with surprises or stuff that may occur to us. We are able to deal with the unexpected, change in plans calmly and rationally for instance. We may fall into a hole and we will get up even more motivated to reach our dreams, goals. And this will also make us more confident in our own selves to deal with difficulties.
There are a few simple steps to making stability energy part of your day, and it is easier than you think. First, try to non-irritated with a time table you could and observe Stick the schedule as carefullyUBL. In other words, a consistent wake-up time, meal times of breakfast/lunch/dinner (not snacking all day), study/work-time with breaks mixed in;and calisthenics then bedtime-written into the schedule. I recently started scheduling my time and that has been really helpful for me so I look at it every day. Next, surround yourself with loving and encouraging support from loved ones. These roots of ours are so crucial, they give us a sense of being cared for and cherished. Third, take care of your body and mind by getting enough sleep (sleep at least 8 hours each night),working out regularly( build some fitness) & personal time to meditate. It can be something you enjoy — reading a book, take a walk.
If you want to discover a greater stability power in tough times, give mindfulness practice a try. Being mindful is the practice of taking a moment every day to concentrate completely on what you think and feel at that time. Mindfulness can be practiced in a number of ways. For example, you could give meditation a go (whereby you sit in silence and calm your thoughts). There are breathing exercises as well starting with deep breathe in and out. Or the other thing you can do is as things come pouring up to your head and ideas pay attention. If you practice mindfulness daily, it will teach what inner strength really is and also tells how to use the same when in need.