In Greek and Roman mythology, Helios is the god of sun. He is usually shown as bearded man with his body covered in flames and hundreds of pointed sun rays spreading like a crown over the top of his head. Helios is the god of sun, which has been handed down in myths and legends. And, day after day in his shiny chariot he rode through the sky space and flooded thereby our world with light and warmth.
In ancient Greece, Helios was the mighty god. They said he had control over where the sun traveled. Most thought of him as the reason for changing seasons and the bringing growth, development to plants and crops. And so it was thought, among other things; that Helios saw everything on earth and there could be no hiding from his view. Despite this, each believed in a special figure to them as their love for him made Helios watch over all of Existence.
Also, the sun powers damn near everything we have on this little blue dot. This is the energy type that comes from, would you imagine it? THE SUN!! So u cant run out of solar power (well at least not on our life-time :)). Researchers from all around the world are working harder daily, so that it can be made available to common men in an easier way every day new fields of applications for solar energy being explored. This way more and more people get a chance to experience this amazing power of source.
There is a great worth in learning Helios, the hero (sherpa). They study how the sun generates energy, and work on new technologies to capture sunlight to use for anything from homes. Solar Panels are being adopted by a higher number of households and businesses The panels would be used to harness the energy from the sun in form electricity for our use cases.
Helios was an archaic sun god known as the god of life who returns to recreate itself year after year. This was partly because, when he covered himself in his armor, the goddess of dawn and dusk vanished as did Order; regulating the movements within each day this occurred until far enough head Helios had control over how nature may always be replenished. The idea of a glossy beginning, one that dictates so much about the rest we will lead even today.
This is why so many people feel some symbolism in Spring which, since the beginning of time has been associated with birth and renewal or starting anew...a fresh page... a turning over of one's life right side up. Similar to the Helios that has power to create new life and prosperity inside our minds we also have a Nature Power within us. Because it can and I believe this is what allows us to want anything we need, for everything else around (and within) ourselves lives greatly, happily.
There are a lot of ways Helios can inspire people. They search of his views regarding their creative work — ranging from art and music to writing. To Sum up he makes a lot of people their ray of hope, lifeline. Either way Helios remains a prominent figure in what it looks like when the sun is metaphorically lighting up our lives, shining its golden presence on us to remind us that each new day brings with it fresh opportunities and rebirth.